Useful Links
Gynecologic Cancer
Comprehensive booklet for women with newly diagnosed gynecologic cancer
Ovarian cancer research in British Columbia
Ovarian Cancer Canada
Cervical Cancer Screening and Prevention
BC Pap Screening Program
HPV info
HPV Vaccine
Contraception and Sexual Health
Sexuality and U
Sexual Health in BC
Emergency Contraception in BC - Information
US FDA Birth Control Guide
Free contraceptives
Beginning April 1, 2023, PharmaCare will pay for many prescription contraceptives for any B.C. resident.
You can get them at most community pharmacies, with a prescription and your BC Services Card:
The pill
Copper IUDs
Hormonal IUDs
An injection
An implant
Morning-after pill (no prescription needed)
You do not have to register for coverage or fill out any forms. Simply present your prescription and BC Services Card at a pharmacy.
Contraceptives can be prescribed for any reason (including non-contraceptive use, such as osteoporosis prevention).
Please find our more following this link.
or use this direct link:
Gynecologic Pain Conditions
The BC Centre for Vulvar Health
National Vulvodynia Association
International Pelvic Pain Society
Kelowna Regional Fertility Centre
Vancouver Fertility Clinics
General Patient Information
Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada - Patient Information
American Society of Reproductive Medicine - Patient handouts
Information on many topics relevant to reproductive and gynecologic health
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (UK) - Patient handouts
Information on many topics pertaining to pregnancy and gynecologic health.
Contains British content; Canadian practices may differ slightly.